Please answer the following questions to see if you can take part in either the ACCESS Study or the ACCESS II Study.
This website will not store your answers nor pass them onto a third party.

You can check your BMI (body mass index) using our calculator.

Can I join?



Are you at least 18 but under 80 years of age?*

This field is required

Is your current weight 176 lbs (80 kg) or more?*

This field is required

Is your BMI at least 27 kg/m²?*

This field is required

Have you been diagnosed with either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes?*

This field is required

Are you currently pregnant or planning a pregnancy in the next year?*

This field is required

*Indicates a required field.

Thank you for completing the pre-screener. Your answers indicate that you may be eligible to take part in one of the ACCESS studies. Please contact us to discuss next steps.

Thank you for your interest in the ACCESS and ACCESS II studies – we appreciate you taking the time to complete this pre-screener. Unfortunately, your answers do not match the criteria required for participation at this time. If your health status changes in the near future so that you think you may be eligible to participate, feel free to revisit this website and take the pre-screener again.